Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Use of Transistor as Amplifier

Use of transistor as amplifier

Transistor is used in common emitter configuration to get higher gain. Supply voltage can be use as per transistor rating. Transistors maximum collector voltage, collector current, current gain are given in transistor's datasheet. Common emitter ciucuit emitter is connected to negative side of supply (NPN transistor). Collector is connected to positive side through a load resistance. To calculate load resistance value operating value of collector current is decided on the basis of transistor rating. Suppose a transistor has collector current 200 ma we can set operating value in range of 100 ma. The current can very from 70 to 130 ma when signal is applied. Value of load resistance is equal to supply voltage Vcc, minus collector voltage Vc,  divide by collector current ((Vcc - Vc) / Ic). Base is given biasing voltage from positive side of supply. For this base current is calculated by formula collector current Ic/current gain (alfa). Now base biasing resistance is equal to supply voltage/base current. These are rough calculations for easy to work. In this way dc biasing is over. We can check collector voltage, collector and base current by giving supply to the circuit. Now we can give input signal to base through a capacitor of 0.1 MFD and get amplified output from collector with a capacitor of 0.1 MFD. These values can be find in other practical circuit also. This is a single stage amplifier circuit. To get more amplification it needs to use three or for stage. For more power  final power output stage is used.

In emitter circuit emitter by pass capacitor and resistor are used to improve quality of signal by providing negative feedback.

In audio power amplifier stage two transistors are used in push pull configuration.
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